Our spectacular anniversary adventure for less than the cost of dinner out

The tour was two hours long and included stories from Greek mythology, the Torah and the New Testament, as well a very concise summary of the past 200 years of history in this region, including the changing of rule from the Ottomans to the British to the Zionist Movement and Israel today. While we were nerds and knew many of the answers to the history questions that the guide asked the group, we learned plenty. And while we had both traveled the length and breadth of Israel before, including Jaffa a few times, we had never been on a tour designed for non-Jewish foreigners before and found the experience eye-opening. At one point we overheard Hebrew and were like “Hey! There are Israelis here. Oh wait, we’re actually in Israel, lol.” and that’s when we realized we really felt like we were on vacation. 🙂

We ended our day wandering around the old, defunct Jaffa railway station that now serves as a cultural hangout spot full of restaurants, art galleries and activities for families. We were still full from lunch, so we decided to start heading toward home and get dinner in our own city. After getting off the train, we bused to one of our local-ish pizza places (that recently moved and remodeled and we love the décor) and ordered ourselves a pizza for two and a haloumi salad. We enjoyed our dinner and recapped our lovely day together before continuing home to relieve our babysitter.

And now for the juicy part. How much did this day-long date cost us?

“Free” walking tour – 100 shekels (the website said the average tip is 50 shekels/person)

Lunch – 100 shekels

Beach, boardwalk and old railway station – free

Dinner – 88 shekels

Transportation – 74 shekels (since the public transportation app we use maxed us out at 37 shekels per person per day)

In total our one day vacation including two meals out totaled 364 shekels, which is the low end of what we might have spent on an hour or two of eating dinner at a nice restaurant. (Hey, hey, we do appreciate our expensive meat platters and will do that again, but there’s a time and place for everything.)

And to be totally transparent, we also spent 100 shekels on our teenage babysitter who picked our kids up from school and spent three hours with them, though we would have also had this same expense had we gone out for dinner.

All in all, we had a great time being tourists in another city for a day and can’t wait to do it again soon. We’re bound and determined that next year though, we get to run away from our kids for at least one or two nights. Wish us luck!

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Have you ever been a tourist in a nearby city or in your own? What were your favorite parts? Would you do it again?

3 responses to “Our spectacular anniversary adventure for less than the cost of dinner out”

  1. Molly | Transatlantic Notes Avatar

    My husband and I don’t do much (which is how we like it); but going on an travel adventure would be quite fun for the next significant (in years) anniversary. I love that your trip out was so interesting and not so expensive — how fun!


  2. Rachel Avatar

    Seriously impressed!
    Well done, you two!


  3. A. H. Avatar
    A. H.

    This looks wonderful!! Thank you for sharing your journey!


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