How I organized a 5-day ladies’ trip abroad for 1,200 ILS per person
Photo credit: Fiona’s friend

In June 2021, we booked flights and a villa (with a private pool!) in Paphos, Cyprus for that October. In the following months, Cyprus went on Israel’s COVID red list, then Israel went on Cyprus’s COVID red list, making the trip look like it might not happen. Thankfully, by October, all was relatively calm again, and after applying for and receiving the Cypriot version of a Tav Yarok/Green Pass (remember those?), four of us boarded flights to enjoy 5 days and 4 nights on a gorgeous island in the Mediterranean.

So what did we do? How much did it cost us? And equally importantly, how much would a similar trip cost today – almost two years later?

Flights: We got roundtrip tickets from Tel Aviv to Paphos on Ryanair. I upgraded mine to to Priority, which cost me 240 shekels in total. If you book tickets today (August 2023) for a Thursday to Monday in October, it would cost you about 225 shekels for the basic ticket, or about 360 shekels with Priority. Flight prices for midweek getaways are significantly less.

We made it! 😀
Making full use of our private pool
Discovering how much I suck at pottery

Travelers’ health insurance: I paid 90 shekels for 5 days of PassportCard travelers’ insurance, including the extra COVID cover. That same insurance (without the COVID cover) would cost me 50 shekels today. As PassportCard is one of the most expensive providers of travelers’ insurance, you likely can get a cheaper deal somewhere else. Just make sure to get reviews from people who have actually had to make a claim.

COVID tests: At the time, Israel required that Israelis coming back from abroad needed to do a PCR test up to 72 hours before returning to Israel and again upon landing in Tel Aviv. These two COVID tests cost us each 170 shekels total. Thankfully, we all tested negative both times. Fortunately for us all, this is no longer required today, so this expense wouldn’t exist.

In conclusion: This trip was unforgettable and I’m already brainstorming our next adventure. While prices definitely have gone up in the past two years, it is still possible to travel inexpensively, and even organize a friends’ trip very similar to this one. The 210 shekels you won’t be spending on COVID requirements can now go toward inflation. 😂

Happy travels! ✈️

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5 responses to “How I organized a 5-day ladies’ trip abroad for 1,200 ILS per person”

  1. Gidon Ariel Avatar

    Thanks for this.
    Our family of about 10 adults and about 4 kids under 4 took two vacations at a villa in the north, first in Kfar Hananya near Meron and the year after in Netua near Shlomi near the Lebanon border. A few years earlier, my son and about 4 of his friends did what you did, in Cyprus or Greece or somewhere. I am guessing that the villa rental is the major expense. I chu”l possibly cheaper than the Tzafon??


    1. fionistdream Avatar

      Cyprus tends to be cheaper than Israel. We figured that a similar villa with a pool in northern Israel would have gone for AT LEAST 1,000-1,500 shekels a night, so we definitely saved. A word of caution though when traveling with little kids – We saw very little in the way of gates around pools. I’d be nervous to take my own two little kids to the place we stayed.


  2. esther schlissel Avatar
    esther schlissel

    does age matter cause i would love to join one of your fabulous trips


    1. fionistdream Avatar

      Hi Esther! Thanks for you comment. Thus far I haven’t organized any group trips aside from my own family or close friends, but maybe I will one day. 🙂


  3. Melanie O'Brien Avatar

    This article makes me want to plan another international trip!! Thank you for the inspiration!


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